Pennsylvania Art

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Philadelphia Skyline (black & white)
Lieberman's ID#: 747591
Retail Price: $319.99
Quantity in stock: 0
New York Graphics Society
Value Art Collection
Warehouse Clearance
High angle view of a city, Three Rivers Stadium, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Lieberman's ID#: 747532
Retail Price: $319.99
Quantity in stock: 0
New York Graphics Society
Value Art Collection
Warehouse Clearance
Skyscrapers in Philadelphia
Lieberman's ID#: 747062
Retail Price: $319.99
Quantity in stock: 0
New York Graphics Society
Value Art Collection
Warehouse Clearance
Mellon Bank Center at Night, Liberty Place, Philadelphia
Lieberman's ID#: 747061
Retail Price: $319.99
Quantity in stock: 0
New York Graphics Society
Value Art Collection
Warehouse Clearance
View of the Centennial Exposition, Philadelphia, 1876
Artist: Unknown
Lieberman's ID#: 690667
Retail Price: $214.99
Quantity in stock: 0
New York Graphics Society
Value Art Collection
Warehouse Clearance
High street with the first Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, 1799
Artist: Unknown
Lieberman's ID#: 690665
Retail Price: $234.99
Quantity in stock: 0
New York Graphics Society
Value Art Collection
Warehouse Clearance
The City and Port of Philadelphia
Artist: Unknown
Lieberman's ID#: 690653
Retail Price: $224.99
Quantity in stock: 0
New York Graphics Society
Value Art Collection
Warehouse Clearance
Carpenter's Hall, Philadelphia, where the First and Second Continental Congresses held their sessions
Artist: Howard Pyle
Lieberman's ID#: 690394
Retail Price: $139.99
Quantity in stock: 0
New York Graphics Society
Value Art Collection
Warehouse Clearance
A Pennsylvania Cave-Dwelling, illustration from 'Colonies and Nation'
Artist: Howard Pyle
Lieberman's ID#: 690180
Retail Price: $144.99
Quantity in stock: 0
New York Graphics Society
Value Art Collection
Warehouse Clearance
Carnival at Philadelphia, illustration from 'The Battle of Monmouth Court House'
Artist: Howard Pyle
Lieberman's ID#: 690158
Retail Price: $144.99
Quantity in stock: 0
New York Graphics Society
Value Art Collection
Warehouse Clearance
Skyscrapers in a city, Liberty Place, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Lieberman's ID#: 748941
Retail Price: $379.99
Quantity in stock: 0
New York Graphics Society
Value Art Collection
Warehouse Clearance
Skyscrapers in a city, Liberty Place, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Lieberman's ID#: 745143
Retail Price: $289.99
Quantity in stock: 0
New York Graphics Society
Value Art Collection
Warehouse Clearance
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